
Keygen ebp association 2010 1040
Keygen ebp association 2010 1040

keygen ebp association 2010 1040 keygen ebp association 2010 1040

20 Dogherty et al updated Harvey et al’s 20 literature review and reported that, in addition to facilitation as role and process, project management and leadership were important components of facilitation. 24 Harvey and colleagues explored the purpose, roles, skills and attributes of facilitators, suggesting that the concept of facilitation is only partially developed. 19 Thompson and colleagues delineated the similarities and differences between five roles that aim to influence a practice or behaviour change: opinion leader, facilitator, champion, linking agent and change agent, noting much ambiguity remains among these roles. 23 The literature on facilitation roles and characteristics is growing. 17–21 Facilitation has evolved from a concept in the education and counselling literature 22 to an implementation intervention in the healthcare and KT literature 3 4 20 and has recently been situated in the organisational learning theory literature. In the healthcare literature, a small body of conceptual work on facilitation has considered it a promising approach to implementing evidence into practice. 17 In their refined integrated framework i-PARiHS, facilitation is an active element that integrates the other core constructs: innovation, recipients and context. Facilitation is a technique where an individual makes things easier for others, by providing support to help them change their ways of thinking and working. 16 In their Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARiHS) framework, Kitson and colleagues 17 highlighted the importance of facilitation that, along with strong evidence and a context supportive of change, can lead to successful research implementation. 15 Several knowledge translation (KT) theories exist that can be used to guide the process of getting research evidence into practice. 2–4 Multilevel factors influence this implementation 5 some of these include individual (eg, education, attitude), 6–8 organisational/contextual, 9–14 system 14 and innovation-specific factors. 1 Implementing evidence (ie, research findings) into practice is a complex, multifaceted process that requires a proactive effort to encourage use at the point of decision making. Scholars describe the potential for evidence-based decision making to have a positive impact on patient outcomes.

Keygen ebp association 2010 1040