The option to purchase for a small fee a print version of the book. We know that deatj with a well-educated team of individuals can we continue to change the industry for the better. Zulkigar Only people with good color vision can see the sign. Author:Įconomía del sector público mexicano (Book, ) 3 Sep UNIVEkSIDAD NACIONAL AUTONOMA DE MEXICO. 1 Nov UNIVEkSIDAD NACIONAL AUTONOMA DE MEXICO. =gb-gplus-shareEconomía Del Sector Público Mexicano Economía Del Sector Público Economía Del Sector Público Mexicano. The analytical gains of using these frameworks conjointly will also be discussed.ECONOMIA DEL SECTOR PUBLICO MEXICANO JOSE AYALA ESPINO PDF Based on policy documents and interview data, this paper will assess the frameworks’ suitability for generating explanations for policy stability and change. This paper explores and compares the insights that the punctuated equilibrium and the multiple streams frameworks produce when used to interpret the reform of the civil service structure of Mexico in 2003. Such strategy, it is argued, is especially suited to explain episodes of public management policy change. Some scholars have proposed an analytical strategy which integrates these two frameworks. The role played by policy entrepreneurs as catalysts of change is also a central concern in this framework. On the other hand, the multiple streams framework pays special attention to the intersection of problems, policies, and politics where conditions are favourable for policy change. It attempts to find the determinants of stability and change in policy by looking at the progression of issues from policy subsystems to the macro-political agenda where policy images play a key role in promoting change. The punctuated-equilibrium framework focuses on the combination of subsystems politics and decision-making at the collective and individual levels.

There are several theoretical frameworks aiming to illuminate the determinants of policy change and stability.